43 Ft Center Console Powerboat - Bahamy Yacht & Rybářské Chartery

O této jachtě

43 Ft Center Console Powerboat powered by the outboard engine, powerboats are the only vessels that would suffice.

Detaily výletu

To cover the distance to the swimming pigs and back, this round trip is approximately 200 nautical miles.
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Nabízíme následující zájezdy

  • Eleuthera Adventures – Island eco-tour with native lunch – 9 hours
    $395 USD

    Departure time: 8.30 am
    Return time: 5.30 pm
    Itinerary: Have a thrilling ride over to the gorgeous and secluded Island of Eleuthera from Nassau and have a relaxing day on the water.
    We sail to the amazing Sapphire blue hole, which is 2 bottomless blue holes. If you are physically fit enough, you will be permitted to take a leap of faith into the blue hole.
    Including this charter is visiting the Glass Window Bridge and Queen´s Bath.
    You will be served a delicious native lunch.
    After this, we will set sail to the shipwreck of Sir William Sayle, the group that crash-landed on Eleuthera and took refuge in the Preachers Cave.
    After this, we will bring you to the pristine beach of the shipwreck so you are able to enjoy the beach.
    Adults: $394.90 pp, including taxes and fees
    Children: $350.90 pp, including taxes and fees
    Included: Water / soft drinks / Alcoholic beverages / Snacks / Lunch

    Další Cestující: 395 USD
  • Shared Swimming with Pigs and 5 Island Adventure Charter - 9 hours
    $439 USD

    Max Guest: 20
    Check-in time:
    8 – 8.30 am
    Return time to Nassau: 5.30 pm
    Departure location: Paradise Island

    Itinerary: We start sailing 100 miles offshore to have the experience of a lifetime full of excitement.
    On this charter, we sail to the best sports to Feed the Iguanas, view Pablo Escobar´s Sunken Plane Wreck, and sightsee around Exuma Cays.
    The pigs are at Big Major Cay, where you will have a fantastic time swimming in the crystal-clear waters with the pigs.
    After all these excitements, we take you to have a delicious local Bahamian lunch at the Black Point Yacht Club.
    If you like adventure, then swim with the sharks at Compass Cay.
    If the weather and time allow us, we have 5 stops on this charter, the last stop, a walk on the pristine and shifting sandbar of the Bahamas is just the cherry on the cake of this great amazing day.
    All animals are wild, no animal encounters on this charter are trained, caged, or domesticated in any way.
    It is very important to understand to follow the guide's instructions and use care and caution around the animals you meet. No children under the age of 3 are allowed on this charter. This charter is not suitable for pregnant women or people that just had major surgery.
    Rates Shared Charter: $438.90, pp, before taxes and fees
    Included: Water / soft drinks / Snacks / Lunch / Park entrée fees / food for the animals
    Not Included: Pick up, we have shuttle busses available in all major hotels.
    NOTE: This charter depends all on the weather and sea conditions, please be prepared to go another day, don’t plan your whole trip around this charter as it may be canceled at the last moment because of the weather.
    This charter requires a min. of 10 guests to go out on tour, and have a backup plan in case we must cancel which we of course don’t want to.
    Private charters are rarely canceled, only canceled in severe weather conditions.

    Další Cestující: 439 USD

Časté dotazy

Je nutné, abych se obával o mořskou nemoc?
Jaký je rozdíl mezi soukromou chartou a pravidelnou/sdílenou/veřejnou chartou?
Nabízíte pronájem lodí bez posádky?
Jaké informace ode mě potřebujete, abyste mi poslali cenovou nabídku na pronájem lodi?
Jaké jsou vaše platební podmínky?
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Vyberte čas a datum pronájmu lodi


Dotazy nebo požadavky

Vaše kontaktní údaje

Kalkulace ceny

Výchozí sazba: 800 USD

Počet osob zahrnutých ve výchozí sazbě: 4

Sazba za další cestující: 80 USD

Základní cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Vklad 0 USD

Zůstatek: 550 USD

Zatím není vyžadována žádná platba!
1/ Nejprve vám zašleme potvrzení o dostupnosti lodi.
2/ Pokud se rozhodnete pokračovat a zarezervovat si charter, stačí kliknout na platební odkaz a zaplatit malou zálohu (max 15%). Platební odkaz bude zaslán s potvrzením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplacení zálohy obdržíte velmi podrobné potvrzení zájezdu.

Co říkají klienti o naší službě

  • Sep, 2022

    Pěkný den na šnorchlování s mojí 6člennou rodinou. Vody byly klidné a jen 6 stop hluboké, ale mořský život byl úžasný. Dokonce chytil nějakého humra.

  • Oct, 2022

    Skvělý den na rybaření v bytech. Chycený Permit, Barracuda a obrovský Tarpon. Kapitán a loď byli skvělí a stvořeni pro skvělý den!

  • Nov, 2022

    Úžasný výlet hlubokomořský rybolov. Ušli jsme asi 20 mil od pobřeží a našli jsme místo s plevelem, kde jsme chytili tuny Mahi! Brzy to udělám znovu.