Twin-Engine Navajo/Aztec Airplanes - Bahamy Yacht & Rybárske Rebríčkoch

O tejto jachte

We operate twin-engine Popular small aircraft models including the Navajo and Aztec. Since they are designed to operate in locations with difficult terrain and limited runways, the Navajo and Aztec aircraft are both well-suited for flying over Nassau, Bahamas.

Beautiful beaches, pristine oceans, and a tropical environment are features of the Nassau Bahamas. A detoured path could occasionally be required due to weather changes and ATC directions.

Plane Capacity:
Navajo: 9 PAX Max
Aztec: 5 PAX Max

Is the whole trip on a plane? No. Only to bring you to Staniel Cay Exuma, the first part of the excursion involves flying.

Around 300 islands and cays may be found in Exuma. During this excursion, you will see 5, however, a boat is required. You are met by your boat as soon as you land and driven to the start of your journey.

Detaily výletu

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Ponúkame nasledovné zájazdy

  • Shared Exuma Flight tour – All Day
    $599 USD

    Check-in time: 8 – 9.15 am (pick up with shuttle bus)
    Departure: 9.30 – 10 am

    Departure location: Airport
    Check-In: 08.45 am

    Departure Exuma: 3.00 pm
    Arrival Nassau: 3.45 pm

    Itinerary: On this day we fly to encounter wildlife interaction to feed the Iguanas, swim with pigs, and meet with the Sharks.

    The pigs are at Big Major Cay, where you will make life-long lasting memories of having a fantastic time swimming in the crystal-clear waters with the pigs.

    If you like adventure, then swim with the sharks at Compass Cay where you a water sightseeing tour of Exuma cays.

    After all this excitement, we take you for a delicious lunch at Island Beach or Sandbar.

    If the weather allows us, you will have a walk on the pristine and shifting sandbar, the highly anticipated disappearing Sandbar of the Bahamas, if the sandbar does not rise from the ocean during this trip, we will beach at one of the great secluded and pristine cays. (Depending on the rising tide and time of day).

    All animals are wild, no animal encounters on this charter are trained, caged, or domesticated in any way.

    It is very important to understand to follow the guide's instructions and use care and caution around the animals you meet. No children under the age of 3 are allowed on this charter. This charter is not suitable for pregnant women or people that just had major surgery.

    Rates: $599 pp

    Note: These rates are before taxes and fees: Taxes and fees are around $200 to $300 per charter.

    Included: Water / soft drinks / Snacks / Lunch / Park entrée fees / food for the animals / Round trip transfers by shuttle bus.

    Ďalšie Osobné: 599 USD

Časté otázky

Je potrebné, aby som sa obával, že ochoriem na morskú chorobu?
Aký je rozdiel medzi súkromnou chartou a pravidelnou/zdieľanou/verejnou chartou?
Ponúkate prenájmy lodí bez posádky?
Aké informácie odo mňa potrebujete, aby ste mi poslali cenovú ponuku na prenájom lode?
Aké sú vaše platobné podmienky?
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Vyberte čas a dátum prenájmu lodí


Otázky alebo požiadavky

Vaše kontaktné údaje

Výpočet ceny

Predvolená sadzba: 800 USD

Počet osôb zahrnutých v predvolenej sadzbe: 4

Sadzba pre ďalších cestujúcich: 80 USD

Základná cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Záloha 0 USD

Zostatok: 550 USD

Zatiaľ sa nevyžaduje žiadna platba!
1/ Najprv vám pošleme potvrdenie o dostupnosti lode.
2/ Ak sa rozhodnete posunúť ďalej a zarezervovať si charter, stačí kliknúť na platobný odkaz a zaplatiť malú zálohu (max 15%). Odkaz na platbu bude odoslaný s potvrdením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplatení zálohy dostanete veľmi podrobné potvrdenie zájazdu.

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