33 Ft Pro-Line Speed Boat - Bahami Yacht & Fishing Charters

О овој јахти

33 ft Pro-Line Speed Boat powered by Twin-Mercury Outboard Engines, a luxury boat with a dynamic layout - this is the ideal boat to be used as a day boat or as a family cruise. She can accommodate up to 15 passengers luxuriously.

Measurements: 33 feet (10.06 meters) long and 11 feet (3.35 meters) beam.

Her cockpit is spacious, with deep walkways making it easy to move around the cabin.

You may book a private tour and have the boat all to yourself to admire the crystal-clear waters.

Trip Details

A lovely private island where you may snorkel in clean seas is available for your vacation. If you're really ambitious, you may even dive up our delicacy, the conch. You can opt to eat lunch at our neighborhood Fish Fry, where most guests arrive by vehicle, but we'll go by boat instead (lunch not included)! We are optimistic that you will have the most fun and excitement on this tour!

Additionally, you have the option of visiting the stunning Exuma Cays and the well-known swimming pigs. Spend the entire day relaxing in the pristine, stunning seas of the Bahamas. On the sandbar, you may relax while enjoying the relaxing fresh air. The local animals may be seen swimming alongside the pigs!

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Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Island Hopping Tour
    $875 USD

    Rate Includes: 5 Passengers

    A speed boat can be taken to a stunning private island where you can snorkel in the crystal clear waters. You can also dive up our delicacy, the conch, if you\'re adventurous. Experience life as a native person by taking the conch from the shell, seasoning it to your taste and enjoying the freshest and finest aphrodisiac that you\'ll ever observe! We will then skip over to another picturesque island which offers views from the ocean to the world-famous Atlantis resort.

    You can enjoy lunch in our local Fish Fry, where most people come by car, but we\'ll come by boat (not including lunch costs)! We are sure this tour will give you ultimate excitement and fun! 

  • Private tour to Exuma Cays - swimming pigs
    $5500 USD

    Let\'s take you to see the beautiful Exuma Cays and popular swimming pigs around the world. Luxuriate yourself for a whole day in the clear, beautiful waters of the Bahamas. You\'ll see the native animals, swimming with the pigs! You can relax on the sandbar and breathe in the fresh and calming air. You can enjoy delicious Bahamian cuisine. Throughout the day, we\'ll also supply you with chilled bottled water and food to feed the pigs.


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Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
Које информације су вам потребне од мене да ми пошаљете понуду за најам брода?
Који су ваши услови плаћања?
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Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

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